Mooonla Farm started with some initial farms:

Since then we have continually added farms for well known projects and new partners. Visit anytime you'd like to see the latest farm offerings!

Deposit fee

- 80% of the Deposit fee will be used to buyback MOONLA and burn it; - 10% will be sent to the developer’s address; - 10% will be held in escrow for MOONLA FINANCE, for future projects & future partnerships Rewards

You withdraw your farming rewards anytime, you will get 70% right away, 30% will be locked on 7 days, after 7days, you can withdraw.

Referral Program Commission

You will receive 5% of your level 1 farmed tokens forever You will receive 2% of your level 4 farmed tokens forever

How to join Referral Program?

- You need to have 100 MOONLA tokens in your balance to activate Level 1 Referral Program - You need to have 1000 MOONLA tokens in your balance to activate Level 2 Referral Program

- Access to and Connect to MetaMask. - Copy the referral link and share it with your friends.

Last updated